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Supporting the Kingston YMCA Farm Project

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The Kingston YMCA Farm Project teaches people of all ages how to plant, harvest, and cook fresh and healthy food. All the while, it pays teens a competitive wage for their work on the farm -- empowering youth and growing a healthier community.

This season, the diner and our guests raised $7,000 to support this worthy initiative, and we were amazed by everyone's giving spirit. The funds we raised will go towards building a learning kitchen and scholarships for teens in their cooking program.

We as a company look for ways to support our community in a meaningful way.  This program brings together the three ideas that align with those goals:

- Support access to fresh food for those who need it

- Teach young people healthy eating habits

- Educate young folks on where their food comes from and inspire them to grow their own

Learn more about the Farm Project and how to support their efforts.